My books
My books for herb lovers
Wild Plants And The Nobility Of The Stones and Herbal Tinctures for body, mind and soul.

Herbal Tinctures for body, mind and soul
by Brigitte Addington
The medicinal purpose and plant spirit of 42 herbal tinctures/elixiers. This booklet also tells you how to make your own high quality plant extract. Inspirations and gifts from Mother Earth, deeply rooted in old traditions and wisdom. Get in contact with body, mind and spirit – health, happiness, joy and love. Immerse yourself in the worlds of wonders.

Wild Plants and the Nobility of the stones
by Brigitte Addington and Waltraud Brix
Twelve wild herbs and gemstones – an ideal combination. This book will help you to find out about the miraculous healing properties of herbs combined with specific gemstones to use in your everyday life. Let the certified herbalist Brigitte Addington and the gemstone specialist Waltraud Brix inspire you to holistically integrate plants and gemstones. This unique work includes a variety of natural healing methods, recipes and personal experiences.
Note: This book is only written in German yet
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